The hotel I was previously at was far enough away from one of the scratchy-sounding loudspeakers that I slept through the broadcast and had no idea what Winnie was talking about when she mentioned being awoken by them. This moring I found out. Not knowing what was being said during the broadcasts, I did a little research and discovered that they are propaganda broadcasts and patriotic songs. There is a movmenet underway to ban the broadcasts:
If I lived near a loudspeaker here, I would be up in arms. Not necessarily because of the content, but because I really like my sleep.
Along with the propaganda broadcasts, Facebook has mysteriously been unavailable for the last few days. Apparently this is due to a blackout by ISP's, enforced by the government because anti-government movements were using the site to organize. The block is pretty easy to get around, but is effective because a social networking site's usefulness is eliminated if most people can't get it to.
These two things brought home to me the differences at the margin living in a one-party communist state means.
Quit fraternizing with Commies and avenge your father's capture!!!