Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Day Of Firsts

First, thanks to Erica for putting me in touch with Ecuadorians. I'd imagine that it will come in quite handy in what looks to be a great place.

Second, apologies for not posting more. I promise to be more diligent now that I'm on my own.

Third, it has been a day of firsts. I got my first pseudo-mullet, made my first ceviche, and as a corollary to the prior point made my first hostel meal. Four lucky people (me included) enjoyed the Nate Miller special ceviche (corvina, onion, sawtooth coriander, limon, some local chili, and a bit of salt) along with a chili-onion chutney fried tuna fillet over some white rice. If I do say so myself, it was fantastic. When I asked the front desk people if they liked ceviche, they were quite surprised when I presented three coffee cups and proceeded to gain some mass with them. If the bulk of the hostel comes down sick tomorrow, its probably my fault. I was pretty proud of myself that the Peruvian said it was very good ceviche. For a recipe-less first effort, I think it augers well. The rest of the meal matched it, though it definitely lacked veggies.

I really wanted to upload some pictures, but this computer is not cooperating. I now have what amounts to a mullet, and really wanted to post that pic, but I guess it will have to wait.


  1. Please post mullet pic, and don't worry about writing dude - it's your vacation, writing should be secondary

  2. I have to see this mullet! I'm surprised your hair is even long enough. You must take another picture and post as soon as humanly possible :)
