Thursday, November 19, 2009

Koh Tao and Muay Thai and Commerce

I've been back in Bangkok now for two days after heading down to Koh Tao to lay out on the beach and hang out with Winnie during her debit-card related debacle - DO NOT BANK WITH CHASE! Beyond being a government bailout welfare queen of a bank, they apparently don't realize the difficulty of getting access to your funds in a foreign country with no ATM card. Enough about that though.

I really enjoyed Koh Tao. It was a very laid back little island and a good way to relax after how overwhelming Bangkok can be, even for just a day or two. I got a sunburn, got some Muay Thai training in and considered staying on the island for a few weeks (or more) to train at the gym and get a fight. I chickend out at the last minute and am now am back in Bangkok. Also had a great night partying with the trainers from Island Muay Thai and some other new friends we met on the island.The hungover boat ride in the monsoon seas back to the mainland the next day was not quite as great a time.

I'll post more about Bangkok later as I'm getting hungry and need to go get lunch, but I really love this city. The street food is all I've expected, and much, much more. You've gotta admire the entrepreneurial spirit of the vendors setting up shop all over with nothing more than a cart and making a go of it. So far my favorite meals/snacks have been the minced pork/pork dumpling/veggie soup I had the first full day here and the Thai sausage I got outside Wat Pho yesterday.

I'm also really impressed by the amount of construction-related activity and all the huge buildings going up. Coming from a city that required a near act of god to get a house remodel approved, the sheer variety and volume of building is pretty cool.

More to come on Bangkok soon, along with pictures, but hunger calls...


  1. Nate!!!!! Well it's been a few weeks and you're still alive so I think thats a good sign. :) Sounds like you're having an amazing time. I'm so glad that you have been able to post - it's a good way for me to live vicariously through you. Anyways, keep having fun and exploring. I miss you!!!!!! and can't wait till you come home!

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it going to be hard to find someone in your weight class to fight with in Thailand.
